18 WEIRD Looking Animals

18 WEIRD Looking Animals

White’s Tree Frog — This brooding animal appears to be a frog that might have gone on a weekend bender. It’s actually known as White’s Tree Frog or the Australian Green Tree Frog. But he’s not green, you say. Or White, for that matter. Well, like many tree frogs, they can change their skin color. Those changing colors can indicate sudden changes in humidity or stress. Colors can vary between pale green to a dark brown, as you can see in the picture. That explains the color, but what about the frog’s puffy shape? Well, they are known for their plumpness, and for the distinctive fatty ridges over the eyes. Maybe this one was auditioning to be the amphibian version of Jabba the Hutt, very method.
California Condor — It looks beautiful when sailing through the skies high above desert landscapes of the West Coast of the US. But up close? Not so pretty. It’s the largest flying land bird in North America, and one of the rarest birds in the world. Here’s something that’s really ugly: In the 1970s, these Condors almost went extinct. After a captive breeding program was instituted, around 127 of these Condors now live in the wild.
Naked Mole Rat — They don’t need eyesight because they live underground in colonies, not unlike insects. Maybe it’s just as well they can’t see themselves in the mirror. Their bald, pruny-skinned appearance can give you a fright, but that baldness helped them better adapt to their underground environment. They’re actually more closely related to guinea pigs, chinchillas and porcupines than to moles or rats.
Warthog — With their bristly bodies these wild pigs may have a harsh look, but they’re well-adapted to their harsh environment in sub-Saharan Africa. They have 2 sets of tusks. Those fearsome upper tusks can reach lengths of 25 inches on males, and the lower pair is razor sharp. And the wart-like pads on their large heads actually serve as protection.
Marabou (mara-boo) Stork — Standing over 5 feet tall with a wingspan over 10 feet these African birds have a very imposing presence. They scavenge large carrion and are known to eat other birds, including flamingos. To go along with their unattractive look, they have a particularly unattractive habit … and you may not want to listen if you’re eating. These birds defecate all over their legs and feet to help regulate their body temperature. Couldn’t somebody buy them some diapers?
Hyena — Also known as the Spotted Hyena or Laughing Hyena, because their giggle vocalizations are reminiscent of human laughter. Here are some ugly facts: They kill 95% of what they eat, which kind of discredits their reputation as scavengers. Hunting in groups, hyenas can tear apart a 400 pound zebra and devour it within a half-hour. Individual adult hyenas can swallow up to 40 pounds of meat per feeding. And though they can be mistaken for wild dogs, hyenas are more closely related to meerkats, mongooses and civets.
Giant Japanese Salamander — 80 pounds and 5 feet worth of this slimy amphibian is enough to put you off your lunch. And they can bite off parts of your finger in mere seconds. But these animals are rare and their conservation status is “near threatened”.
Oyster Toadfish — This creature uses its unattractive appearance to camouflage itself into the ocean floor. Staying hidden in plain sight, the fish will surprise and devour its prey. It’s found in waters from Maine to Caribbean.
Black Dragonfish — The fish measures just 6 inches long, but those fearsome teeth make it look much bigger. It stays in the deep seas, and is bioluminescent, generating red or greenish-blue light. The light is used to attract prey, or even a potential mate.
Proboscis (pro-bis-kis) Monkey — Can figure out this animal’s distinctive feature? The nose of this pot bellied monkey can reach 7 inches long, and males use it to attract a mate. Maybe there’s a correlation between the size of a guy’s nose and his ability to attract a mate. Native to Borneo, this animal is actually a victim of habitat loss and is currently an endangered species.
Alligator Snapping Turtle — Found mostly in the southeastern waters of the US, it’s one of the world’s heaviest freshwater turtles, weighing on average up to 175 pounds. It gets its name from its incredibly powerful jaws that can easily crush a human finger. And those distinct rows of spikes on its back are similar to alligator skin. They’re usually quiet, but can become aggressive when threatened. Best to keep out of its face.
Baird’s Tapir (tap-ear) — This is the largest land mammal that resides in Central America, weighing up to 880 pounds and measuring 4 feet high. Each front foot has four toes which each rear foot has 3 toes. Some people might argue the animal is more cute than ugly. What do you think? Let us know in the comments.
Blobfish — This deep sea creature always pops up in these types of lists, and small wonder. The grumpy-looking guy was once voted the world’s ugliest animal in a poll conducted the Ugly Animal Preservation Society in the UK. While it looks gooey and squishy, that’s really an adaptation to the high pressured environment where the Blobfish lives.
Little Lorikeet — Native to Australia, this bird will grow into the beautiful Rainbow Lorikeet. But the newborns have a look that takes some getting used to. It’s kind of like they’ve formed the avian equivalent of a punk rock band.
Long Spine Sea Scorpion — It’s not an aquatic scorpion, but a common fish with a spine that’s longer than normal. These predators inhabit the coastal waters of North Europe,and have the ability to blend into the colors of its environment.
Yellow Crested Cockatoo — One day this bird will transform into an impressive looking creature, but the newborns can look like they’re having a bad hair day. Keep the faith, better days are coming!
Celestial Eye Goldfish — This is a breed of goldfish that is notable for its double tail … and it’s huge eyes that are always looking upward, seeming to the heavens. Think that having them in your fish tank would be like having those paintings where the eyes are always following you?
Chikilidae (chick-kill-uh-dee) — This species of legless amphibians was discovered in 2012 in India, and is classified as a caecillian (kus-sih-lee-un), an amphibian group that includes salamanders and frogs. In these pictures from thedailymail.com you can see these creatures have a truly unsettling appearance. Just look at the mother coiled around her eggs. And those transparent eggs are reminiscent of the Alien xenomorph from the movie. But even though though they look scary and slimy, these creatures are considered harmless to humans.

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