The White Cat and The Ouijia Board
I haven't written in a while. I was promoted at my day job in November and supervising a team of therapists has proven to be much harder than just being a therapist. Working ten hours a day is more haunting than any ghost and living people's emotional problems are far more consuming than any phantom tragedy I know. I have missed writing here and when I heard this story I knew it was time to pull myself away from life and write a story. It is also my goal to have at least one story a week on this blog from now on.
This story was brought to me by a gentleman who read my commentary on Ouijia Boards. He read my story and told me about a night that he decided to be a little wild and try to summon the dead. He and a group of friends thought that it was a brilliant idea to take the Ouijia Board to a cemetery at midnight because they believed they would be able to contact more spirits this way. Of course, what they didn't know was that trouble can come from summoning spirits in such an open place. According to Voodoo and Hoodoo folklore, going to a cemetery at midnight without salt for protection can lead to trouble.
The young men were a little drunk and set about attempting to contact the spirits. When they first put their hands on the planchette, a white cat leapt onto the board. The young men shoed the cat away. They were a bit perturbed about the incident but they kept going and the cat jumped on them again. They threw the cat away a second time. After the third time the cat jumped on them, they gave up and went home. It was only later that it occurred to this man that the cat might have had some meaning. Reasearch into Chinese and Egyptian folklore shows that cats are said to drive away evil spirits. The man researched the event and after learning the significance of the cat now believes the cat was protecting him from the dark spirits that were summoned by his nocturnal wanderings.
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