Animals in the Afterlife: Your Pets Talk From the Other Side

Today I welcome guest blogger and medium,  Deborah Kauflin, Ph.D.  Deborah is a psychic medium who is a retired, famous criminal profiler. Deborah interviewed twenty five serial killers and wrote three books about profiling killers. She trained thousands of FBI agents and homicide detectives and worked on hundreds of murder cases for police. She appeared on the Discovery Channel, Investigation Discovery, Fox News, ABC, CNN and the Seoul Broadcasting Network. She also writes a blog for Psychology Today.  I am very excited to have Deborah here! 

Animals in the Afterlife: Your Pets Talk From the Other Side

If you fear that you will never see your beloved pet again, then let me assure you that your pet is still with you. Animals go to the other side, and they love nothing more than seeing you. Their spirits are right in front of you, but too many times you just can’t see them. Let your broken heart heal knowing that they are still with you.

Have you felt your dear car curl up on you lap after he passed? Maybe you have heard your dog’s bark or your bird chirp. The truth is that they are still here looking after you. They loved you so much in life, so why would you ever believe that they would leave your side?

Animals can be some of the most pure, loving spirits. They bring us love and companionship when others have left us. They are always so happy to see us and want nothing more than our love in return. If you have loved a dear pet in your life and you miss that pet, then realize that their love is with you. They look out for you from the other side.

What you might notice is that when you are going through a particularly bad time, you may feel your old pet rubbing against your leg or walking across your keyboard! One woman reported going through a terrible time when her husband died. She had lost her dear Bessie, her cat. As she grieved for her husband and her furry friend, she experienced something miraculous. One day her grief was too much for her, and she was crying as she sat at her computer. With her hands shaking on the keyboard, she actually felt Bessie walk across her fingers as she typed. This is what her cat always did in life! This happened several times and this act by her beloved Bessie was enough to help the woman stop crying. That is how strong the connection is between loved pet and human.

As you miss your pet, you might even start seeing it. Sometimes if you are particularly sensitive, you may see your animal in your home. If you do, then know it is your pet coming to say hello. They want you to see them so that you won’t hurt so much. They love you.

Other times pets come back to play with their old friends. In one case, two dogs spent their entire lives together. One died, and the other went into a terrible depression. The family could not get her to eat or do anything. She was dying of grief. Then all of a sudden, she got up and ran around playing as if she was with her old dog friend. She ran around in circles, crouching and jumping, just like she always did with her partner. She’d bark at what seemed like nothing. It was then that the family began experiencing activity of their own. Their oldest son saw the dog that had passed away. Others heard his bark. The family then knew their dear dog was still with them and doing everything he could to help his old friend heal from his passing.
It shouldn’t surprise you that your pets are still with you. Love never dies, especially love for animals. And your pets know how you feel about them. They know more than people give them credit for. Have you ever noticed that your pet tries to comfort you when you feel down? They do the same thing from the other side. Their connection with you will not be cut.

If your pet has crossed over, and you feel sad, then take a deep breath and call your pet to you in your mind. I guarantee that your pet will come. You may not be able to see it, but your pet will be at your side or in your lap. They love you that much. Don’t be surprised if when you call them that you begin to see unusual things go on in your home. That will be your pet letting you know that he is there.

Furthermore, in every psychic reading I have done where an animal has come through, the dear pet has ALWAYS said thank you to his human pal for taking care of him. They know what you do for them and are grateful. They will repay your love forever.

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