UFOs – What does the President Know?

Grant Cameron

Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. Abraham Lincoln

Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. Quote from Dwight Eisenhower inscribed on a wall surrounding his final resting place in Abilene, Kansas

There is a commonly held belief inside the UFO community that President Eisenhower was the last president to be in control of the UFO situation. By the end of Eisenhower’s second term, as the theory goes, a secret government within the government had taken control of all things dealing with UFOs. The president was relegated to playing the role of a puppet manipulated by an unelected unseen few who control of the world.

Any indication that the president may not be in charge presents a serious problem for the United States. That is because the United States government is often held up as a model for the rest of the world.  If the president isn’t in charge it also presents a serious constitutional problem, because in America the constitution is treated like the inspired word of God.

The constitutional dilemma of an uninformed president cannot be overstated. That is because if the UFO cover-up is taking place in the government, constitutionally the president is the CEO of the government and therefore ultimately in charge. If the UFO cover-up is taking place in the military, the constitution places the president as the civilian commander-in-chief of all US military forces. If the UFO cover-up is being conducted by an intelligence arm of the government then the president is at the top of that pyramid as well and should be in charge. If the UFO cover-up is dealing with ETs or non-human entities they are not Americans but foreigners. Any treaty or negotiation with such being would involve the president. He is the constitutional head of state and responsible for any treaty or negotiation. You can’t have a GS-13 or an Air Force Colonel negotiating with aliens on behalf of the government.

Constitutionally the president has to cover all four bases of the UFO cover-up. Anything else would be a violation of the constitution.

Every president since Roosevelt has gone along with the cover-up which indicates that there must be rules that everyone in the know agrees with and supports with their actions. Without a proper constitutional framework and rules there would be opposition by loyal Americans involved with the UFO cover-up. There appears to be no opposition, even from President Obama who is a constitutional lawyer.

One of the high level people who seemed to confirm that such rules exist was the former President of
Dr. Eric Walker - 1950 in Pentagon

Penn State University, Dr. Eric Walker, who appeared by all evidence to have been a key UFO insider. Dr. Walker had 14 honorary doctorate degrees, and was co-developer of the homing torpedo in WW2. He was Chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis which was the think tank of choice for the US defense department. He set up and ran the Navy's Applied Research Laboratory which did advanced research on submarine related technologies.

At one point in one of the many interviews researchers tried to do, he became angry with an interviewer who was trying to squeeze out answers about the UFO cover-up. In an angry reply Walker shot back, “Why should we change the rules to satisfy your curiosity?” Walker seemed to be indicating a government with rules, as opposed to a secret second government doing whatever it pleased.

The main piece of evidence that is raised to support the idea that the military industrial complex had taken over the UFO situation in the United States late in the Eisenhower administration comes from the words of the final speech given by Eisenhower before leaving office.

In that speech Eisenhower stated, “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”[1]The speech has become one of the most well-known of all presidential deliveries, and the most referenced by UFO historians.

Many have interpreted this warning as implying that Eisenhower had lost his control over the key UFO data and policy had ended and that the “military industrial complex” was the group that everyone should fear.

A close investigation of the speech reveals, however, that the speech probably had nothing to do with UFOs.

The key reason for this non-UFO interpretation is that the initial speech referred not to the military industrial complex but rather “the military industrial congressional complex.[2]It was a warning about a growing hunger for war because of the money and jobs it provided. Eisenhower hated war stating at one point, “I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity.”[3]

Shortly before the speech was delivered close advisors to Eisenhower encouraged him to remove the world congressional from the final draft so as not to offend sitting legislators. A second proposal to call it “the military industrial scientific complex” also was pulled at the advice of Eisenhower’s science advisor James Killian.[4]

The UFO interpretation becomes even more unlikely when we realize the word “military industrial” replaced the earlier more accurate “war-based industrial complex.” The term war-based or military–industrial–congressional complex refers to the policy and monetary relationships between legislators, national military forces, and the military industrial base that supports them. Eisenhower was warning of the escalating spending on weapons that took away from more noble programs. “The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this,” Eisenhower warned to a gathering of the American Society of Newspaper Editors in 1953. “A modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter plane with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people.”

The warning from Eisenhower about spending did come to pass. Spending on military hardware soared during the Kennedy administration that took over the White House only days after the speech. Lyndon B. Johnson, who succeeded Kennedy, led America into a hugely expensive land war in Asia that was a military industrial complex wet dream. Sixty years after the speech the military budget, backed by congressional members bringing back job creators such as weapons factories, military research facilities, and military bases, has risen to the point where “the US military budget accounts for approximately 40% of global arms spending. The 2012 budget is 6–7 times larger than the $106 billion military budget of China, and is more than the next twenty largest military spenders combined.”[5]

This was forcefully spelled out by David Berteau, who helped President Obama fiscal commission craft $100 billion in defense cuts. Berteau stated, “Cutting defense spending is a political minefield. Every major weapons program and every major military base has forceful advocates on Capitol Hill – the House and Senate members whose districts would lose jobs and income when specific programs or bases are cut.”[6]

A complete review of Eisenhower’s final speech shows clearly that UFOs are probably not the focus of the speech. This is especially true with the earlier draft speech drafts that included the words congress and science. It would also be hard if not impossible to tie science of congress into a secret unelected government calling the UFO shot.

The idea that Eisenhower had lost control of the UFO subject as also totally inconsistent with much of the presidential UFO history that follows. Start with President Kennedy for example.

I didn’t know Kennedy but I am sure he was no General Dwight Eisenhower. Kennedy was not a 5-Star General, nor a former Commander of Allied Forces. He was a liberal democratic politician who fought against the idea of secrecy as evidenced by his one speech on secrecy where he stated, “The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.”[7]If Eisenhower had lost the oversight of UFOs then Kennedy’s bio would hardly qualify as someone the “shadow government” would return to overseeing the most highly classified subject in the United States.[8]

Kennedy also threatened to “splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds” and slept with many women. Both items would make him a serious security risk and yet it appears from stories that he did have control over the most highly classified information on UFOs.

There are unverified UFO documents that have floated around the UFO community for years that show that Kennedy demanded the CIA share the UFO information with the Soviets.[9]There is also a document that indicates that he may have shared the UFO secrets with Marilyn Monroe.[10]Does this then mean that the Soviets and Kennedy’s girlfriends were given access to the UFO secrets but Eisenhower was denied access?

The more likely hypothesis is that all Presidents are told as the constitution demands.

Allene Gramley and Lucile Andrew told of their
father's pre-1944 encounter with alien bodies
below the Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
Like Roosevelt, Truman, and Eisenhower there is also a story that Kennedy met with the aliens.[11] If true this would not have happened if the UFO information flow had stopped at the end of the Eisenhower administration. The Kennedy story begins with a meeting between UFO contactee George Adamski and Kennedy which took place at the White House in late 1961. It was there that Adamski passed on a letter to Kennedy from human looking extraterrestrials that he had been communicating with. The alleged letter contained information on handing on the Cuban missile crisis and an invitation for Kennedy to meet with the extraterrestrials at a secret airbase in Desert Hot Springs, California.[12]The meeting reportedly took place but Kennedy did not go on the trip on the flying saucer that had been offered. The story makes constitutional sense because aliens would considered a foreign power and Kennedy, as the constitution Head of State, would be the United States representative for any such meeting.

Also like Roosevelt[13]before him and Nixon after him there is a story that Kennedy went to Tyndall
Kennedy's Air Force Aide General Godfrey McHugh
Air Force Base in Florida to view the alien bodies at a medical facility there. The visit involved not only the President but other high brass, which is consistent with a government (as opposed to shadow government) control over the UFO phenomena. The story is told by long time UFO researchers Timothy Good who recounted an interaction he had in 2006 with an impeccable source who was close to Kennedy and a member of the White House Staff. According to the source the meeting to see the bodies had been set up by General McHugh, the Air Aide to the President. (In this regard there is a significant parallel to the Truman administration where General Robert Landry, the Air Aide, had as part of his job the job of providing an oral briefing to the President on flying saucers every three months.) The source told Good,

Around 1961/62 President Kennedy expressed a wish to see the alien bodies associated with an alien crash-site…General Godfrey McHugh, (the Air Force Aide to the President, who had dated Jacqueline Bouvier prior to her marriage to Jack Kennedy, who was responsible for Air Force One, rode in the  middle of the front seat of the Presidential State car when the president was transported, and was the man who guarded the president’s body on Air Force One after the 1963 assassination in Dallas) was in charge of the arrangements at the time and the Air Force One was used to take Kennedy and other top brass on this visit…the alien bodies were taken to Florida when Kennedy went to see them at a medical facility. They have probably moved around over time.”[14]

President Richard Nixon, like Kennedy reportedly saw the alien bodies. He knew where the bodies were at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida where he landed on every trip he made during his presidency on the way to his southern White House and Key Biscayne. Like Kennedy Nixon took others to see the bodies. In the one case we know about he was able to take comedian Jackie Gleason to see the aliens at Homestead without any interference from the people guarding the bodies on the base. Nixon like Kennedy seemed to have the access to the most secret UFO information.

The idea that Eisenhower lost control of the UFO situation is inconsistent with the stories told about President Jimmy Carter when they are read in the proper context. Carter like Kennedy was a liberal democrat who had run against the idea of the Washington insiders. Yet it appears that he too had the keys to the Top Secret UFO vault as the constitution would demand.

Carter made two promises when he was running for President. In the one instance he told the National Enquirer, “"If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists. I am convinced that UFOs exist because I have seen one."[15]

The statement to the Enquirer has led to the generally held misconception that Carter promised to release everything and that he was completely denied anything on the subject of UFOs.

In evaluating what really happened it is important to note that Carter did not promise to release everything about UFOs. Carter’s Deputy Press secretary Walter Wurfel spelled out the actual UFO promise,

He (Carter) is committed to the fullest possible openness in government and would support full disclosure of material that was not defense sensitive that might relate to UFOs. He did not, however, pledge to "make every piece of information concerning the UFOs available to the public." There might be some aspects of some sightings that would have defense implications that possibly should be safe-guarded against immediate and full disclosure.[16]

A close look shows that Wurfel is right. Carter only promised to release to the public the material that fell outside the rules of national security. Carter stated,

There may be some aspects of the UFO information, with which I am not familiar which might be related to some secret experiments that we were doing that involve national security – a new weapons system. I surely wouldn’t release that, but if it was something removed from our national security, then I as president would go ahead and release it. I see nothing wrong with that.[17]

The second misconception is that Carter was denied any UFO material. The actual situation was there were two types of UFO information – UFO information for the public and the UFO information he would require to oversee and make policy regarding the UFO situation.

What actually happened when Carter became President is that he did try and fulfill his promise to get out the UFO information to the public that did not involve national security. The effort had only limited success.

Carter began his attempt to get the files he had promised the public when he asked for “the UFO files” during his president-elect briefing on national security in November 1976.  The story that is told is that Bush turned him down stating that if he wanted the UFO files he would have to go through the House Committee for Science and Technology.

The significant point to note is that Bush didn’t turn him down but sent him to a house committee. This hints that Carter’s UFO request had nothing to do with getting information on UFOs for himself as President, but may just have been Carter asking for the UFO files to satisfy his election promise – all of the UFOs that did not involve national security.

This makes sense because if he wanted the Above Top Secret UFO files, Bush would certainly not have sent him to the House Committee for Science and Technology to find the files. The Top Secret files for the “President’s Eyes Only” would have more likely be held by the National Security Agency, CIA, MJ-12, DIA, or some other agency with access to black budget funding. Because Bush sent him to the house the request must have been for files that could he could publicly release.

Once in office Carter had high level officials in his administration such as Press Secretary Jody Powell and Science Advisor Frank Press contacted various agencies such as the CIA, FBI, and NASA. The FBI released 1,600 files, the CIA released about 1,000 with the help of a private lawsuit files by a research group, and NASA offered to analyze UFO hardware and answer UFO mail. (which involves sending out a pamphlet with the government party line that there are no ETs) They walked around heading up another Blue Book type study. Carter’s science advisor was told NASA did not have the resources to do another study and they lacked the “appropriate scientific protocols” established. This came after they received a letter from USAF Col. Charles Senn encouraging them to avoid participation in the Carter’s idea of opening up the UFO subject to the public.

Another thing Carter did in an attempt to fulfill his UFO promise to release UFO files was the signing of an Executive Order 12065- National Security Information which introduced the "public interest balancing test." It became an important consideration in the way UFO (and any other subject) FOIA requests were dealt with. The consequence was a deluge of declassified government UFO documents released under the Carter administration as Carter had probably planned. The CIA, FBI, NSA, State, Army, USAF and the Navy department released thousands of pages of UFO documents under the Carter administration which made up over half of the UFO documents ever released under the FOIA.

Carter summed up his efforts to fulfill the UFO promise during a private conversation with actress Shirley MacLaine shortly after she released her 1983 book “Out on a Limb” which described her experiences with UFOs.

Carter hinted to MacLaine he had been briefed on the most sensitive UFO information. He told MacLaine that it was true- “There were crafts and there were occupants – why should we be the only ones in the universe.”

Then in a reference to trying to get the information out to the public Carter stated he had done what he could. He told MacLaine that he had “tried to shine the sunshine laws[18]on intelligence, to expose it, to see how the people would react, but he didn't and wouldn't and couldn't.”[19]

So was there concrete evidence that Carter himself got the classified UFO information? The following information points out that Carter, unlike the public may just have gotten the truth about UFOs, despite beliefs to the contrary.

·         Prominent Harvard training civil rights lawyer Danny Sheehan has testified many times that in 1977 when he was Chief Counsel for the Jesuit headquarters in Washington DC, that he was contacted by Marcia S. Smith, Director of the Library of Congress’s Science and Technology Division of the Congressional Research Service as a consultant. Sheehan was asked to help with two classified reports Smith was preparing for the president – one was on UFOs and a second report dealt with extraterrestrial intelligence.

As part of his consultant role he asked for and spent one afternoon reviewing the classified Blue Book files which included pictures of a crashed flying saucer being recovered. If Sheehan, as just a consultant to the two reports, saw pictures of a downed saucer it would indicate nothing much was held back from Crater who was the final customer for the classified reports.

Sheehan reported that he saw the final classified reports that went to the president. In the study on extraterrestrial intelligence Sheehan reported that he read that it had been determined it was estimated that there were at least 2-6 extraterrestrial races visiting the Earth.

·         Secret service agent Harvey Jack McGeorge tells a story of being in the Carter briefing. The story came in a recounting by reporter Harry Lebelson who was then at OMNI magazine. Lebelson heard it from a close friend of McGeorge. McGeorge was a munitions counter weapons specialist.

The story told by McGeorge is that he was in the UFO briefing where Carter was told the and why the aliens were here, the religious implications, and the fact the aliens are in control. He was also shown the Holloman Air Force Base landing film which purported shows a landing of a UFO at Holloman in May 1971 where aliens get out and are greeted by base officials. The concept was later adopted by Steven Spielberg in his 1977 “Close Encounters of the Third Kind.” (I have a separate source who told me he had received information from both Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr. that they had seen the same Holloman film. Bush saw it as CIA Director and Ford stated he had viewed it during his presidential briefings. The Bush and Ford stories are further indicators that all presidents are given the Top Secret UFO briefing)

·         There is also a document called the Aquarius document that floated around in the 1980s that purported to be notes from the Carter UFO briefing that occurred on June 14, 1977. This 9 page document mentions many UFO projects complete with code names.

·         Researcher Timothy Good had written correspondence with Carter’s CIA Director Stansfield Turner from 1977 to 1981 on the subject of UFOs. Good reported that the one question refrained from responding to was the subject of MJ-12, the alleged group that ran the UFO cover-up. If Turner and Carter were out of the loop Turner could just have said he knew nothing about such a group or it didn’t exist. He didn’t.

The idea that the president has not been in charge of the UFO situation since Eisenhower  is
June 27, 1981 - Reagan and Spielberg just before ET screening.
inconsistent with the statement made by Steven Spielberg relating the statement that President Ronald Reagan made following a screening of “ET: The Extraterrestrial” at the White House on June 27, 1981. According to Spielberg Reagan stood up in front of 39 people there to see the movie and without smiling made the following revelation, “'I wanted to thank you (Spielberg) for bringing E.T. to the White House. We really enjoyed your movie. There are a number of people in this room who know that everything on that screen is absolutely true.”[20]

This statement hints that Reagan was given the Top Secret UFO briefing and that a number of people around his administration knew what was going on as well.

One of the people in the ET screening was George Bush Sr. who may have been one of the people Reagan was referring to as being in the know. As I mentioned above Bush told a researcher that he had seen the filming of aliens landing at Holloman AFB.

Another piece of evidence that shows he knew came when Bush was running for president in 1988. During one event in Rogers, Arkansas he was captured on audio tape by UFO saying he knew a fair bit about UFOs. The comment came when researcher Charles Huffer asked him if he would release the UFO secret if elected.

Bush replied that he would and added that Huffer should send him what he had on the subject to which Huffer challenged Bush saying “You were a CIA man. You know all that stuff.” At that point Bush replied, “I know some I know a fair amount".[21]

As Bush appeared to know the UFO secrets and had nowhere near the qualifications of Eisenhower, it adds weight to the idea that Eisenhower and every other president are in the UFO loop.

It was in the Clinton Administration that most of the stories of the president not knowing came from. Most of these stories were reported by Dr. Steven Greer and included 1) Clinton’s first CIA Director James Woolsey saying he and the president were not able to get access to the UFO material 2) Clinton reportedly making the statement “I know this is all true, but God damn it, they won't tell me a thing,” after returning in August 1995 from the Rockefeller Ranch where Rockefeller presented his pitch for UFO disclosure. 3) Senior White House reporter Sarah McClendon reporting that Clinton had stated “there was a government within the government” after asking she asked why he was not doing something to disclosure the truth of the UFO story.

Yet there is one story that involved a close involvement by Clinton’s Secretary of State Warren
Clinton Secretary of State Warren Christopher
Christopher which points to a direct involvement by the White House with one of the most famous UFO crashes of all times – the January 13,1996 Varginha, Brazil crash. The crash involved the reported recovery of live aliens by the Brazilian military.

The reports of Clinton’s Secretary of State Christopher and NASA Director Daniel S. Goldin appearing in Brazil five weeks after the event. The appearance of the two men was quickly picked up by Brazilian researchers as the Americans coming to get the saucer and aliens.[22]Later reports claimed that the Americans were successful in their mission. . It is not known what the Brazilians got in return except for the promise of a Brazilian flying on the space shuttle. Brazilian Marcos Pontes began his NASA training 17 months later.
If the story is true and there was a deal for the aliens and craft it would clearly show that the government, and not the shadow government, is in control of the most important UFO hardware and ET body evidence. The involvement of Christopher means that his boss Bill Clinton would have been the source of his mission to Brazil and the final report coming back. Clinton, despite his claims of not being told anything, would have been in charge of this key UFO information. It is inconceivable that Christopher would be reporting back to some secret cabal and not Clinton.

The role in the Varginha crash by the State Department also provides strong evidence that the constitution and strict rules are being followed. As Varginha is in a foreign country constitutionally it makes sense that the State Department was reported to be negotiating for the body and hardware on behalf of the United States government. The state department deals with events in foreign countries.

Another key link to the state department implying that the rules are being followed dealing with all the reports in multiple presidential administrations is that any UFO debris recovered in foreign countries was historically handled by the State Department under Project Moon Dust and Blue Fly.

PROJECT MOONDUST - A specialized aspect of the U.S. Air Force’s over-all material of the exploitation program to locate, recover, and deliver descended foreign space vehicles. The designator ‘MOONDUST’ is used in cases involving the examination of non-US space objects and objects of unknown origin.”

OPERATION BLUE FLY – [A unit] to facilitate expeditious delivery to the Foreign Technological Division (FTD) of Moon Dust and other items of great technical intelligence interest.

The key to these programs is that the files of recovered foreign debris were found in state department files and the recovered hardware was moved to the USAF Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson for analysis.[23]Both are part of the US government. This indicates that the constitution and government rules on classification, as opposed to a secret non-elected government governing the process.

Colonel Phillip Thompson, deputy assistant chief-of-staff for Intelligence was challenged about the legality of withholding the Moon Dust records. He replied with a statement indicating that the government (and not some secret cabal) did control the files. “It, [Project Moon Dust] has been replaced by another name that is not releasable. FTD’s [Foreign Technology Division, headquartered at Wright-Patterson] duties are listed in a classified passage in a classified regulation that is being withheld because it is currently and properly classified.” [24]
Then there is the story of Vice-president Dick Cheney. Cheney was one of the most powerful person
Cheney - "If I had been briefed on it, it would probably be
classified and I wouldn't talk about it."
in American politics. He had five terms as a congressman from Wyoming, Chief of Staff to President Ford, Secretary of Defense under George Bush Sr., and vice-president for 8 years under George Bush Jr. Within the UFO community Cheney had been rumored to be part of the mysterious MJ-12 control group that was rumored to be the real government power in control of UFOs.
In April 2001, just after entering the White House, Cheney faced my question of whether or not he had been read-in on the true Top Secret UFO information. I asked him the briefing question saying, Mr. Cheney, in all your jobs in government, have you ever been briefed on the subject of UFOs, if so when was it, and what were you told?"
Cheney paused and then gave a reply that seemed my more in line with a government policy than a secret cabal working in complete secrecy. Cheney made reference to classification which would explain why every president is in the secrecy box for life once he is given the real "UFO Briefing."
"If I had been briefed on it," Cheney replied, I'm sure it was probably classified and I wouldn't talk about it."

The final evidence that indicates the UFO material is controlled by the government comes from the Obama administration. In fact President Obama who made some of the most revealing statements that the president may in fact be in charge of the UFO subject as the constitution has mandated.

Obama is the most important president to compare to Eisenhower because he did not even serve in
Obama in Roswell - "We'll Keep our Secrets Here"
the military let alone become a war hero. Obama is considered the most left wing politician that has ever been in the White House. Many think he was not even born in the country, and is therefore not even qualified to be president. These things would make it unlikely that the most highly classified secret in the country would be shared with him. If Obama was given the Top Secret UFO briefing then it is absolutely guaranteed that all the presidents were told.

The first statement made by Obama indicating that he is aware and in charge came during a March 21, 2012 trip to Roswell New Mexico Obama made the following opening statement,

We had landed in Roswell. I announced to people when I landed that I had come in peace. (Laughter) Let me tell you – there are more nine and ten year old boys around the country when I meet them – they ask me, “Have you been to Roswell and is it true what they say? And I tell them, ‘If I told you I would have to kill you.’ So their eyes get all big…so…we’re going to keep our secrets here.[25]

In light of a November 7, 2011 statement by the Obama White House that there is no “ET presence” on earth and “no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public’s eye,”[26]the immediate question that pops up is what secrets is Obama referring to? If the president is out of the loop in the UFO chain of command (as is interpreted by some from the Eisenhower speech) what Roswell secret is Obama claiming he will keep secret?

The Obama Roswell statement made makes it very clear that Obama knows the Roswell ET crash story, and is willing to joke about it. His straight faced statement that “we will keep our secrets here” indicated that he and other people intend to keep the classified Roswell story details from the public.

The second incident that indicates Obama is in the know happened during a tour of the White House by Men in Black actor Will Smith and his family. When Will’s son Jaden learned that he would be going to the White House he told his dad that he would like to ask the president about “ the aliens.” Will stated that he didn’t want Jaden asking the president about this.

Jaden, however, was determined, and was about to ask the president about it and prepared to ask the question when the tour arrived at the situation room which is the center of power and secrecy in the White House. Before he could ask the question Obama cut him off saying, “Don’t tell me. The aliens, right? OK, I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of extra-terrestrials but I can tell you if there had been a top secret meeting and if there would have been a discussion about it, it would have taken place in this room.”[27]

The statement is hardly what one would expect Obama to volunteer if he was locked out of the UFO story.

In conclusion it appears that there is a good chance that the president is at the top of the UFO flow chart as was shown in a 1988 documentary called “UFOs, It Has Begun.” A top level agent of the CIA sat through the entire production so the documentary appears to be a controlled leak of information to the public about the UFO subject.

If UFOs are an unacknowledged special access program (USAP) as was indicated in a November 1950 Top Secret memo written by the Canadians after questions to officials in the United States about what the truth was about flying saucers, then this is what would be expected. Those read into a USAP program could not even acknowledge that such a program exists because even the existence of the program is classified.

The idea of the president being out of the chain of command and simply a puppet for a government with no real power may just be disinformation. The plan might simply be to avoid the president perjuring himself on the subject or taking questions. These questions might include why has the government lied for almost 70 years, how many people were killed to keep the secret, alien abductions, cattle mutilations, and what is he doing to stop the alien intrusions. The president is limited to joking references to the subject because the major media considers it a joke and will not then ask a series question. Meanwhile, the President and others scramble behind the scenes to find answers to what is going on and develop advanced military technologies from their discoveries.

It appears to all comes down to classified vs. unclassified UFO files. It may simply be that the President and those with a “need to know” have access to what the Canadian referred to as the most highly classified subject in the United States. The public is considered outside the circle of those with a need to know. As George Bush was rumored to have told president-elect Carter – curiosity is not sufficient need to know.

Postscript: The CIA Connection

Constitutionally it would make sense that the CIA, as the top intelligence unit until the formation of the Director of National Intelligence in 2004, should be the agency that could provide the UFO briefing to the President. If the President was out of the loop we would not expect to see an interaction between the President and the CIA on the subject of UFOs.

There is a lot of evidence that the CIA is providing intelligence briefing to the President on UFOs. Take, for example, the situation that existed in March 1993 when the powerful Laurance Rockefeller made an effort to get President Bill Clinton to disclose the truth about UFOs.

Rockefeller’s White House contact was the President’s Science Advisor Dr. Jack Gibbons. Upon hearing that Rockefeller was coming Gibbons immediately requested a UFO briefing from the CIA which is what would be expected if the rules were being followed and there were no secret second government calling the shot.

The job of providing the UFO briefing was given to Dr. Ron Pandolfi who was described by the New York Times in 1996 as the top scientist in the CIA. In the UFO community Pandolfi was better known as the man who had run “the weird desk” at the CIA since 1983. This weird desk is where all the paranormal and UFO material was dealt with. The man in charge of the weird desk has also always been rumored as the man who briefs the President and the Executive branch on UFOs and other paranormal subjects.

Pandolfi did acknowledge that he received the request for a UFO briefing but handed off the job to a private UFO researcher Dr. Bruce Maccabee. This was done as it was known the Rockefeller story would get out. As the CIA is on the record as not being involved in UFOs, it would be impossible to have the CIA producing a UFO briefing that Rockefeller would tell the world about. The briefing provided by Maccabee became just one citizen’s opinion that had nothing to do with the official government.

According to what Pandolfi told researcher Dr. Steven Greer, after Rockefeller was finished with his briefing of Clinton’s Science Advisor, Pandolfi went in off the record and provided information.

The man rumored to have held the UFO job at the CIA before Pandofli was analyst Dr. Kit Green. Researcher Bill Moore who knew Green well described Kit Green as “a person close to the President of the United States, capable of checking on information to determine its reliability."

Kit Green even made reference to the fact that he had spoken with Presidents about UFOs and indicated that the President was not cleared on the subject. (This is the CIA story that runs counter to the idea that the President is in charge.) Speaking to reporter Gus Russo Green stated, “I have spoken to three former presidents and the subject (UFOs) always comes up, not as a briefing, but they also want to know the truth. But apparently they aren’t cleared for it.”

The big question related to this statement is – if all the Presidents aren’t cleared on UFOs as Green maintains how would they know that Green is the UFO expert inside the CIA? Why would the President ask for information if he has no need to know, and how does an analyst who job is it to provide intelligence to the President turn around and tell the President he can’t tell him? The job of the CIA is to provide intelligence for the President not to keep secrets from him. If they are keeping the UFO secret who are they then reporting this information to and how is that constitutional?

A final related story linking Green, UFOs, and the President is the story of Dr. Eric Walker who is mentioned above. In the late 1980s Moore sent Green to Walker to determine his level of UFO knowledge.

Reportedly, the two had worked together in the past and the conversation went well until the subject of UFOs came up. At that point Walker started to raise his voice and started tt talk towards a pile of books in the corner of the room. “The President didn’t say I have to talk to you,” Walker said in a raised voice. “Did the President say I have to talk to you? I don’t have to talk to you.” At that point Green was asked to leave.

The CIA man in charge of the UFO subject at the CIA before Kit Green was Arthur Lundahl.
Lundahl on Left with Kennedy
Lundahl was one of the most powerful people in the CIA. He was the man who went into Kennedy’s office with U-2 photos and briefed Kennedy on the Cuban missile crisis. Lundahl was chosen to do this briefing because he was the Director of one of the most secret departments in the CIA. That unit was the National Photographic Interpretation Center which analyzed all the U-2, SR-71, and later all the spy satellite photos.

According to UFO researcher and former NSA/ASA communications specialist Todd Zechel, “A former CIA colleague states that Lundahl briefed at least three Presidents on another subject he is probably the world’s foremost authority on: UFOs.”

A second Lundahl story that indicates the UFO information resides in the CIA rather than in a secret second government came in 1977 after Jimmy Carter had been elected. Todd Zechel questioned Lundahl about a US News and World Report story that there might be “startling disclosures” from the government about UFOs. Lundahl promised that he would check with “the boys” who Zechel determined were former CIA Director Richard Helms and William Colby.

[1]Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961  Public Papers of the Presidents, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960, p. 1035- 1040
[2]Eisenhower biographer Geoffrey Perret wrote that Eisenhower “originally intended to include Congress in this indictment.  At the last minute, he struck out ‘congressional.’
[3]Address before the Canadian Club, Ottawa Canada, 1/10/46
[4]Robert Schleinger, “White House Ghosts: Presidents and Their Speechwriters” page 99
[5]World Wide Military Expenditures". GlobalSecurity.org. 2006. Retrieved 10 May 2010.
[8]In November 1950 the Canadian government produced a Top Secret memo in which they described what had been learned about UFOs from American officials. One thing that was listed was the
fact that the subject was considered to be “the most highly classified subject in the United States.”
[11]Lou Zinsstag and Timothy Good, “George Adamski The Untold Story,” Ceti Publications 1993, page 63-64.
[13]Allene Holt Gramley and her sister Lucile Andrew were daughters of the late Reverend Turner Hamilton Holt, who was the minister at the Shenandoah Christian Church in Greenwich, Ohio. Both women, then in their 80s, told me in a 2009 video interview that they had been told a story by their father around 1948. The story was that their father’s cousin, Roosevelt Secretary of State Cordell Hull, had showed him a crashed metal object and bodies of three “creatures” a sub-basement of the Capitol Building in Washington DC. As Hull left office in 1944 the incident happened during the Roosevelt administration.
[14]Timothy Good, “Need to Know: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence” Pegasus Book 2007, page 420-421
[15]From the actual audio tape of the conversation provided to me by Bob Pratt who did many UFO stories for the Enquirer.
[18]Investopedia describes sunshine laws as “Regulations requiring openness in government. Sunshine laws make meetings, records, votes, deliberations and other official actions available for public observation, participation and/or inspection.”
[20]Robbie Graham, “Reagan Wasn’t Joking” and Steven Spielberg knows it” http://silverscreensaucers.blogspot.ca/2011/06/reagan-wasnt-joking-and-spielberg-knows.html
[23]The same involvement was reported to me by 80+year old Allene Holt Gramley and her sister who told me the story of her father Turner Holt, a minister in Ohio, who was shown wreckage and three “creatures” that were being held in a sub- basement of the Capitol building. The person who showed them to him was his cousin Cordell Hull, who served as Secretary of State for Roosevelt from 1932-1944.
[24]Kevin Randle, “Project Moon Dust” http://www.nicap.org/moondust.htm

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