Deep South Paranormal

I met Benny Reed at my first book signing.   He was a fan of my writing, so I loved him immediately.  I would have liked him even if he hated my writing, but I do love fans.   Interestingly, Benny was also part of DOA paranormal  He and his group were involved in a plethora of interesting investigations which had me intrigued.  He invited me to join his group several times and I am utterly depressed that each time he invited me I was always doing something else.  I had to work or have a baby or something distracting like that.   However, I was honored to be invited and I watched his group and their investigations from afar knowing they were awesome.

 Apparently, I wasn’t wrong about Benny being awesome because the SyFy network recently cast him to be part of their new show, Deep South Paranormal.  I love this show not only because it has Benny in it, but because it has a little bit of that Southern charm that makes Southern ghost stories so beautiful.   The South positively crawls with folklore and fables and old history filled with tragedy and plantations and white ladies and dark stories.  For example, episode 2 of Deep South Paranormal was filmed during an investigation of an old plantation rich with Southern history that couldn’t have happened anywhere else.   Episode 3 featured the investigation of a cotton gin in Prattville, Alabama.   The episode started with an old Southern remedy used to drive off evil spirits involving sucking the breath from frogs and storing it in glass vials.  I love these little Southern traditions and they make the show much more engaging.  The show does tend to play to Southern stereotypes, but stereotypes are what makes parts of the South fun. 

I don’t watch that many television shows.  I watch American Horror Story, The Walking Dead, Parks and Recreation,  Dr. Who, and Vikings.  I’m not a television fan overall, but I know I’ll be adding Deep South Paranormal to my list this season.  The show is great fun for any lover of Southern folklore and ghost stories.  Deep South Paranormal is on at 9 central time and 10 eastern time on the SyFy channel on Weds nights. 

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