My Son's Ghostly Encounter
Monday, April 9, 2012
app reviews,
fake ghost phototgraphs,
ghost apps,
Iphone app reviews
I took these pictures of my sons using my iphone and these ghostly encounters are entirely fabricated by the new iphone app Ghost Exposure and the older one, Ghost Expose. I compared these apps to see which I liked better, but which look more realistic?
I love my iphone. It is my favorite gizmo. I live with it attached to me. I've used it to play scrabble, blog, check email, take family photos, and remind myself to pick my children up from school. Over the years, I reviewed iphone apps here before, but I thought it might be fun to revisit my favorite and compare it with a newer app that does the same thing. Ghost Capture and Ghost Expose are both very similar apps. They both allow you take pictures and add ghosts, zombies, or goblins to your photographs. I prefer ghost capture because it has a larger selection of ghosts to add to you photograph. It also allows you to adjust the transparency of your ghost to make it more solid and more diaphanous with the touch of the button. However, it is harder to use and for instant photos with quick ghostly additions I would prefer Ghost Expose. I also think Ghost Capture creates more realistic photos by providing more realistic ghost options. For example, the pig demon ghost is just silly. So what do ya'll think? Which photos look better?
Both of these apps are available on itunes and both have free versions. They are both tons of fun that will entertain your children for days and have fooled my coworkers and friends far more times than they should have. One of my friends wouldn't believe the photo below was faked. Both apps have their flaws, but both are a good time waiting to happen.
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